Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) is a powerful addition to existing strategies to reduce the risk of suicide death in at-risk people while respecting their rights and autonomy.

Help keep your at-risk clients safe by learning how to collaborate with them to implement safe storage of firearms and dangerous medications. Training is available for individual providers as well as organizations, with in-person and virtual options available. 

For mental health clinicians  |  primary care providers | substance abuse counselors  |  hotline responders • crisis intervention services


Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) is a powerful addition to existing strategies to reduce the risk of suicide death in at-risk people while respecting their rights and autonomy.

Worried about a loved one? Work in a job that brings you into contact with individuals who might be at risk of suicide but feel unequipped to intervene? Learn how you can help keep them safe - no clinical background required. 

For community groups |  suicide prevention coalitions| shooting clubs |  parent groups | general public


Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) is a powerful addition to existing strategies to reduce the risk of suicide death in at-risk people while respecting their rights and autonomy.

Learn how to develop a culture of safety in your community by bringing both the health care and gun-owning communities together for collaborations that can save lives.  

For community groups |  suicide prevention coalitions| shooting clubs |  parent groups | general public

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Our Mission

  • CALM teaches clinicians, gun owners, and the general public strategies to reduce an at-risk person’s access to things that could easily kill them, especially firearms, using collaborative methods that preserve life, liberty, and the at-risk person’s decisional autonomy.
  • We aim to create a new clinical and social norm: when a client or someone you know is in enough distress that suicide is a concern, in addition to providing clinical or social support, talk with them about reducing their access to firearms and dangerous medications until they have recovered. 

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CALM in the News

We Are Hiring

We are currently looking to hire a Program Manager.

Introducing CALM-SAFE: Firearms Education for Providers

CALM America is pleased to announce that our Training Calendar is now live!

Virtual CALM T4T, April 28, 2025

Seats available for upcoming T4T seminar!

CALM listed on SPRC Best Practices Registry

CALM has once again been listed on the newly refreshed SPRC Best Practices Registry!

What People Say About CALM:

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“I think it is a valuable training tool that can help save lives that would otherwise be lost to suicide.”
Workshop Participant
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“I work with mobile crisis so I can use this very often.”
Workshop Participant
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“This training is life changing.”
Train-the-Trainer Participant
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“I really liked that we were given concrete examples of how to begin these difficult conversations.”
Workshop Participant
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“I liked how the training was engaging and provided ways to talk with clients about their access to lethal means.”
Workshop Participant
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Need more information?

We are happy to answer any questions you have about how CALM can help you and your organization prevent suicide.